Frequently Asked Question

2.) How do I log-in to the Arctur HPC
Last Updated 6 years ago

Simply point your ssh client at the address with port 8022.

LINUX users:
you can use the following command
ssh -p 8022
using the username you were by the Arctur team when they created your usser account.

WINDOWS users:

You will have to dowlnload a dedicated SSH client appliacation like Putty or MobaXterm:

Enter the correct data into the clent application (shown in the screenshot below):

Before establishing the connection make sure that you have uploaded your private SSH key.
(e.g. in Putty in the menu on the left side of the window you must select "SSH > Auth" [see screeenshot] and load your key).


While you are using a key management application (like Pageant, also available from the Putty download page), make sure to load the appropriate key in the key management application and then allow key forwarding from this application. (see example of this in Putty in the screenshot below).

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