Frequently Asked Question

STAR-CCM+ simulation
Last Updated 4 years ago

Login via ssh to our HPC (and create a SSH tunnel to the VNC node):

$ ssh -L5900: -p 8022
You need to define a password for your account using the passwd command (we need that for VNC login, only once):

$ passwsd
For VNC, we use TurboVNC, so please install the TurboVNC client:
Open the TurboVNC Viewer application and enter "localhost:5900" for connecting, you will get a username/password prompt, use your username and the password you set earlier.

Once you go through the steps of setting up CentOS for the first time (just the language settings) in the VNC, open the terminal application and load the STAR-CCM software and run it:

$ module load star-ccm
$ starccm+
The application should now be starting. We also need to allocate/reserve nodes on our system, create a macine file and give it to STAR-CCM:

Open a new terminal tab or window. To allocate two nodes and create the machine file (just a list of given nodes):

$ salloc -N2
$ scontrol show hostnames $NODELIST > machinefile
Then in the STAR-CCM application when opening a file in Process Options select "Parallel specified by machine file" and select the machine file. Choose the appropriate license, load the simulation file and that should be it.
Once you are done with the simulation, remember to free up the resources with:

$ scancel -u username
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